Electricity, gas, water, heat: automatic remote monitoring of existing meters

In existing buildings – whether office buildings, housing estates, hospitals or industrial sites – numerous different meters for electricity, gas, water, etc. are already permanently installed. The regular reading of meter readings/consumption on site is time-consuming and prone to errors. The readout intervals are correspondingly long and as soon as all the data has been collected manually, it is already out of date again. Among other things, this makes cost planning, allocation to cost centers or recharging and optimization of consumption more difficult.
With LineMetrics, existing, already installed meters can be read regardless of location. Even meters located in basements or further away can be read easily and almost in real time using long-range LoRa radio. The consumption data can be analyzed online or automatically transferred to existing software systems.
- No data for planning, billing or optimization
- On-site meter reading is labor-intensive and error-prone
- Selective data (e.g. once a year) is often no longer sufficient
- Heterogeneous meter landscape
A complete solution for easy retrofitting
Wireless sensors record current consumption values from existing meters. Gateways collect the measured values and transmit them via mobile radio. The data is clearly displayed in the LineMetrics Cloud and can be integrated into existing software solutions.
Electricity, gas, water & co. in one overall system
All consumption values – from different meters or even new measuring points – can be recorded and processed with one system.
Retrofitting existing meters via plug & play
The existing, heterogeneous meter landscape can be retrofitted wirelessly and without interfering with the existing infrastructure.
Long-range radio down to the basement
Measuring points scattered across the entire building or company premises can be read out without any problems – no comparison with WLAN.
Seamless data, almost in real time
The continuous recording of consumption data enables detailed analysis, optimization, performance monitoring and troubleshooting.
Which meters can be read (and how)?
Over the decades, an enormous number of different meters have been developed and many of them are still in use today. Reading this heterogeneous meter landscape with an overall system is a complex task: devices from countless manufacturers, different model series and types and with different outputs are installed.
LineMetrics has therefore created a comprehensive meter database. It covers around 90% of the current models and is constantly being expanded. At the touch of a button, it reveals which meter can be read in which way and with which sensor – the model designation or a photo of the meter is sufficient.
Read existing electricity meters
Up-to-date and detailed energy consumption enables accurate ancillary cost billing and internal cost allocation. They are also the basis for optimization and greater energy efficiency. LineMetrics can be used to read a wide variety of electricity meters wirelessly, for example these:
- Magpie (alpha A1500)
- EMH (SymBase, LZQJ-XC)
- hager (EHZ series)
- ISKRA (MT830/MT831)
- Landis+Gyr (ZMD series, E650, E750)
- PAFAL (C8 series)
- Siemens (7CA54)

Read existing gas meters
Detailed data on gas consumption makes it particularly easy to allocate costs and charge them on to tenants, for example. LineMetrics can be used to read a wide variety of gas meters wirelessly, including the following:
- Actaris (now Itron ACD)
- Honeywell / Elster (BK-G series, IRM-3 DUO, RABO)
- Itron (ACD series, RF1 series)
Read existing water meters
The automated and seamless recording of water consumption not only enables allocation and rebilling, but can also provide valuable information for optimizing consumption and detecting leaks and burst water pipes. LineMetrics can be used to read the following water meters, among others, wirelessly:
- Actaris (HF10L)
- Apator PoWoGaz (MWN series)
- Bernhardt (BM series),
- Honeywell / Elster (M100, C4000, H5000)
- Itron (Aquadis+, Flostar)
- Kamstrup (flowIQ)
- Krohne (WATERFLUX)
- Pipersberg (P.FOX, MNK series)
- Zenner (MNK series, MTKD series)
Read existing heat/cooling meters
The exact recording of heating and cooling quantities creates transparency in the billing/allocation of energy costs. With LineMetrics, a wide variety of existing meters can be read wirelessly, including the following:
- Kamstrup (MULTICAL series)
- Landis+Gyr (ULTRAHEAT T550)
- Siemens (UH50)